Local entrepreneurs enter their products in Walmart's annual GetontheShelf contest

Jim and Carol Owens of Waterford have entered their Cat-Door in Walmart’s “GetOnTheShelf,” contest and Gary Jensen has entered his Krazy Grease in the contest.
Cat-Door is an easy-to-install cat-sized door that can be installed in a basement, laundry room, or spare closet door, to hide a cat's litter box behind a closed interior door. With the door closed, the cat will still be able to get in and out. Large dogs and toddlers will not.
The cat door also contains a removable brush in the arch-frame that grooms the cat. The frame is made of durable ABS plastic with a matte-white finish.
The couple’s granddaughter, Meghan, handles sales for the product.
All components of the product are made in the United States. The frames are made by a family-owned company in Lapeer. To vote for Cat-Door, visit www.CAT-DOOR.net or on the Facebook page CAT-DOOR or at getontheshelf.walmart.com/product/11c1getontheshelf.walmart.com/product/11c1

Gary Jensen, owner of Cutting Edge Lubricants Inc., of Port Huron and Sarnia is a native of Southfield, where he lived before entering the U.S. Coast Guard in 1966-1976. He developed Krazy Grease lubricant 30 years ago to solve problems for difficult industrial applications.
 Jensen's  Krazy Grease performs three functions: permanent; waterproofing and rustproofing.
The product has proved highly successful and he is now beginning to market it in the consumer market as a general purpose product for homeowners.boaters, farmers, truckers, sportsmen and golfers. To vote for Krazy Grease, visit getontheshelf.walmart.com/product/1a94/krazy-grease%e2%84%a2
 Voting ends Sept. 2. For more information, visit getontheshelf.walmart.com.


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