Tips to Improve the Performance of Landing Pages for E-Commerce Websites

Landing pages can be used to help increase the conversion rate of different items on your ecommerce website. In order for this to happen, it is important to create strong landing pages. A landing page that lacks a clear message may only draw a consumer to your site briefly. The point of a landing page is not only to get a consumer to your site, but also to get them to make a purchase. In order to ensure this happens, try these tips that will help you develop strong landing pages that drive conversions.

Make the Call to Action (CTA) Standout
Whatever it is that you want the consumer do should be clearly expressed on the landing page. This may be to “shop now” or to “watch a video” to try to drive them to your site and to ultimately make a purchase. The CTA needs to standout in a distinct way. It should be in a centralized location on the landing page in order for consumers to know what they are supposed to click on. The use of visual cues can help with this as well.

Offer Incentives
Consumers are not interested in only benefiting your web store. They also want something for themselves. With that said, offer consumers something for engaging in the CTA designated on the landing page. This could be a free demo, coupon or other gift.

Keep the Landing Page Simple
Your landing pages should focus on one thing. The more clutter you add to the page, the less likely it is that a consumer will get the message.

Concise, Relevant Headline
Avoid puns or other fluff copy when it comes to the headline used on your landing page. Compose a headline that is concise and relevant. If you can, write a headline that sums up what the landing page is about in no more than 17 words.

Strong Design
The layout of your landing page must flow well. It should be easy to read and devoid of distracting, unnecessary images. Use readable fonts, consider bulleted lists to display information and appropriate use of white space.

Landing pages are a great way to increase conversions on an ecommerce website. Try implementing these tips to improve the performance of your landing pages.


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