Business events in the mix this week

Jan. 16
WATERFORD TWP. — The Oakland County Business Center presents Fundamentals of Writing a Business Plan, 9 a.m. to noon, Jan. 16 at the Oakland County Executive Office Building Conference Center, 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, west of Telegraph in Waterford Township. This workshop is $40. For registration, visit or call 248-858-0783.

Jan. 16
TROY — Automation Alley’s lunch 'n' learn session “Improving Your Trade Show Performance,” is 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 16 at Automation Alley in Troy.
To register to attend or exhibit at IMPACT 2013, or to sponsor the event, contact Events Manager Jennifer Chinn at or 248-457-3228.

Jan. 17
STERLING HEIGHTS —  To kick off the Macomb-OU INCubator's Lunch and Launch series in 2013, Lori Bianco, CPA and CGMA with BiancoCPA, will present "Are All Your Ducks in a Row?: How to Set Up a Bookkeeping System to Efficiently Communicate with Your CPA,"  noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17 at the Macomb-OU INCubator, Velocity building, 6633 Eighteen Mile Road, Sterling Heights. This free lecture will include a question and answer period. Attendees should bring their own lunch, though beverages and dessert will be provided. Register by contacting Joan Carleton at 586-884-9324 or For more information, visit

Jan. 17
AUBURN HILLS — The Auburn Hills Chamber of Commerce will host its first Young Professionals Mixer, Thursday, Jan. 17. The first event will be held at Applebee’s in Auburn Hills on Brown Road from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Professionals working in North Oakland County are invited to attend. Tickets are $10 ($15 at the door), and include networking and refreshments. A cash bar is offered. To register, call the Chamber at 248-853-7862 or visit

Jan. 17
DETROIT — Xconomy’s Mobile Madness Motor City is 2-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17 at Compuware World Headquarters, 800 Woodward Ave., Detroit. It’s a half-day forum of interactive talks and chats that will showcase the top investors, entrepreneurs, and executives tackling the next big ideas in mobile computing—from media and advertising to commerce, finance, big data, analytics and entertainment. For information, visit


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