Google Checkout Will No Longer Be an Option for Payment Processing This November

Google Checkout, an online payment processing service, will be discontinued November 20, 2013 Google announced at the end of May this year. This service, which acted as an alternative to PayPal, will be integrated with Google Wallet, a tool that allows shoppers to store credit and debit card information, loyalty cards and more using their Google account. This service additionally provides fraud protection as well as purchase history and status.

Merchants who currently use Google Checkout will be able to continue doing so until November 20, 2013. At that point, however, if the merchant does not have their own payment processing solution, a new option will need to be implemented. In an attempt to make this process easier for merchants, Google has partnered with several solutions, none of which are free. These options include Braintree, Freshbooks and Shopify. Google has described these as “discounted migration options.”

On the other hand, U.S. merchants that have other payment processing solutions will be able to take advantage of Google Wallet, which Google has been working to improve. Google added two new features to Google Wallet, which were also announced in May 2013. These new features are Wallet Objects API and Instant Buy API. Wallet Objects API is the feature that allows users to store their loyalty card information, take advantage of promos and more. The second addition, Instant Buy API, is a feature that makes the checkout process easier for customers. Those shopping with an Android device who also use Google Wallet will be able to make purchases with just a few clicks since the app saves their billing, shipping and card information. This feature can be offered to customers by merchants that sell a physical good or service.

If you are using Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting software and need a payment processing solution, explore Azox Credit Card Extension. This product allows you to process both ACH and credit card payments securely while integrating with Dynamics GP.


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